This morning saw Scotland vote No in a referendum that asked whether it wanted to be independent of the United Kingdom.
In a victory for the Better Together campaign, the result appears to be 55 per cent in favour of remaining part of the United Kingdom, while 45 per cent voted for independence.
Scotland's first minister Alex Salmond in a speech this morning praised the 1.6 million Scots who had voted for independence, but urged them to accept the result of the democratic vote.
Mr Salmond also took the opportunity to remind Westminster that the Yes campaign was promised greater devolved powers in the lead-up to the vote - telling the UK government he expected those promises to be upheld.
We asked you what you thought about the idea of Scottish independence, and you were quick to tell us that you wanted Britain to stay united.
Here are some of your best responses:
Stuart Wright tweeted: "NO NO NO. Absolutely unthinkable if it is yes. Never been so passionate about an issue which affects us all for a long time. Totally unreasonable too for a small percentage of the UK to decide the UK's future. I am bitterly opposed to any break up of the Union. On a positive note I think that common sense will prevail in the result.. Just."
Jean Hubbard said: "I'm a Scot living in Essex which I love, just hope if it's a yes vote they'll all stop moaning up there about how hard done by they are!!!"
Wendy Jennings added "I would prefer to stay united. xx we are the UK!! this will change things for sure, if the result is independent ..."
Carolyn Sargent said: "Vote No - Scottish got think about the future. I know they don't like Cameron or Westminster - the scots - but if they vote yes it divides the U.K. and the Scots. Vote No - the U.K. lives on again..."
Robert Montgomery added: "Scotland deserves to make choices of their own ..what if it was the other way round and Scotland ruled over England I think England would vote a resounding yes to leave the union.."