by Grace Earl
Smokers in Mid Essex are being offered the chance to quit for good by getting involved in the national NHS Stoptober campaign.
A Stop Smoking stall, set up by social enterprise group Provide, will be at Chelmsford High Street Market today (October 3) to offer treatment and support free of charge.
The stall will also be at the market on the Tuesday (October 7), Friday, October 24, and the following week Friday October 31.
Stoptober encourages smokers to quit for 28 days, as evidence suggests that those who abstain for four weeks are five times more likely to permanently kick the habit.
Carol Ryley, Provide's Stop Smoking lead said: "Please join us for this Stoptober challenge and give up for good.
"If you want to quit smoking, then whether you've tried before or not, contact us and we can work out what is best for you.
"We've loads of tips and we know how to get you through any cravings. Just think how great you will feel when you've done it."
Provide are offering advice free of charge to Mid Essex residents.
As an organisation which focuses on community health, Provide have years of success in helping people quit for good - one couple they have previously helped had been smoking for 90 years between them.
10 tips to stop smoking
1.Don't go it alone – get friends and family on board to support you. You can also contact your local NHS stop smoking services and the NHS Smoking Helpline, available on 0300 123 1044 (open Monday to Friday 9am-8pm, Saturday to Sunday 11am-4pm).
2.Change your diet – a US study revealed that certain foods, including meat, make cigarettes taste better, whereas cheese, fruit and vegetables make cigarettes taste horrible.
3.Get some non-smoking friends – when you're at a party, stick with the non-smokers to remove the temptation to light up.
4.Move more – exercise cuts cravings and may even help your brain to produce anti-craving chemicals.
5.Keep your hands busy – many people miss having something to do with their hands when they try to quit. Consider using an electric cigarette to conquer cravings.
6.Manage your stress levels – don't try and give up during a stressful time of your life. Nicotine helps people to relax, so give other relaxation methods like yoga a go when you're giving up.
7.Give hypnosis a go – hypnotherapists train smokers to associate lighting up with a negative outcome. You're then taught to repeat these affirmations anytime the desire to smoke occurs.
8.Don't drink too much – alcohol lowers your inhibitions and is one of the biggest smoking triggers. Try and drink less during those first few weeks.
9.Clean body, clean environment – get rid of all your ashtrays and lighters after you've had your last cigarette. Wash any clothes or upholstery that smell of smoke to get rid of that familiar smell.
10.Treat yourself – you'll save a huge amount of money by quitting. Work out how much you'd usually spend per month on cigarettes and put that money towards a treat, such as a holiday.
Their specialist smoking cessation website,, has a wide range of quitting tips and tricks, including a money-saving calculator.
Contact the Provide Stop Smoking team by calling free of charge on 0800 085 2113 (confidential line), emailing or by visiting