A NEW fuel price war is set to bring refilling costs down to a four-year low after ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury's announced they would cuts costs at the pumps from today.
ASDA started the second round of cuts, just a fortnight after supermarkets cut prices by as much as 5p a litre.
From today Asda will cut diesel by up to 2p a litre to 126.7ppl and unleaded petrol will fall by 1p a litre to 123.7ppl.
Sainsbury's, who announced in September it would cut diesel and petrol prices by 5p a litre across all its stations, responded with a drop of 1p a litre of unleaded and 2p for diesel across its 295 forecourts.
will be cutting the price of diesel by up to 2 pence per litre and unleaded petrol by 1 pence per litre across its 295 forecourts, providing customers with fantastic value when they fill up at Sainsbury's.
Tesco also announced yesterday it would match the price cuts.
The cut is in addition to savings customers can make through the supermarket's Fuel Save promotion, which can be worth up to 20p off a litre.
Tesco Fuel director Peter Cattell said: "As Britain's biggest fuel retailer this means more motorists can make real savings.
We also offer Clubcard points and savings through Clubcard Fuel Save, which saves our customers up to 20 pence per litre."
The fall is partly down to a drop in the global price of crude oil since August has been slowly falling over the last few months, w