Campaigner and comedian Russell Brand has threatened to sue The Sun over claims he pays rent to a company which engages in tax avoidance schemes.
The newspaper alleged the former movie star, who is from Essex, is paying £76,000 a year to landlords who say they are based in the Virgin Islands.
Hey @TheSunNewspaper, @rupertmurdoch I'm gonna sue you and give the money to #NewEraEstate and JFT96
— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) December 2, 2014
The report goes on to describe Brand as a hypocrite for speaking out against rich landlords and tax avoidance in his latest book.
It comes after he was involved in a row with a Channel 4 News reporter while in Downing Street with anti-home protesters in Hackney.
When the reporter suggested he was one of the 'super rich' buying up properties in central areas, he angrily replied that his was rented, and ended the confrontation by describing him as a snide.
But today (December 3), Brand sought to explain away the row.
"When you talk to a journalist I sort of think it's a combination of boring and really annoying, and my personality type is not well suited to that kind of environment."