Roadworks programmes in Essex are being suspended over the Christmas period, including work on the Army and Navy roundabout in Chelmsford.
Essex highways will be stopping the work on the notorious roundabout from tomorrow (December 19), until January 5.
A dedicated left turn is being created from Parkway to the A138 with the aim of providing extra capacity, easing congestion and improving traffic flow.
Work at Station Square in Duke Street will also cease between these dates – work there includes repaving pedestrian areas and widening pavements.
There will also be suspensions of major works in Basildon, Harlow and Colchester.
In Basildon work on Nethermayne will be suspended from Tuesday (December 23) until January 5.
During the suspension traffic management will remain in place and Ashdon Way will be closed.
The A176 will remain operational at all times to maintain services to the hospital and variable messaging signs will be in use to give up to date traffic information.
Work on the Harlow Clock Tower will also be suspended from this date, starting at 5.30pm on Tuesday. Traffic management will remain in place.
And in Colchester, after completing phase one of the bus priority improvements scheme, the second phase will not be started until the New Year.
Essex County Councillor Rodney L. Bass, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation said: "We want to make it easier for everyone who needs to visit family and friends at Christmas, so suspending work on our countywide road improvement projects over the festive period is the best way to help the county's road users.
"It also makes sure our teams and crews have a well-earned rest before resuming the robust programme in the New Year."
An Essex Highways team will be on duty all over the Christmas holiday period to respond to emergencies and monitor weather conditions requiring the gritting of Essex roads.