A NEW bench in honour of a much-loved pub landlord who died suddenly has been unveiled outside The Anchor in Chelmsford.
Pub manager Andrew Searles, known fondly as "Nipper", was admitted to Broomfield Hospital in August last year with a brain infection and died five days later.
On Tuesday, December 16, the new bench was unveiled, and two cheques for £1,500 were handed over to his two favourite charities, the Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes, for which he had raised thousands.
Barmaid Charlie Scott, who worked with Nipper for two years, said: "He was a fantastic man, full of life, always smiling. Nipper's family seemed overwhelmed and it's nice to be able to do something memorable for such a great person."
Regulars were able to save up for the bench, a plaque installed inside the pub and to donate by coming up with the idea of 'buying Nipper a pint' with all the money going in a pot.
Owner of The Anchor, Steve Seager, who recruited Nipper 20 years ago after seeing him behind the bar in fellow Moulsham Street watering hole The Black Horse, joined members of Nipper's family and representatives from the two charities at the unveiling.