Indecent images of children have been found on the computer of a Southend school deputy headteacher who was recently found dead.
Martin Goldberg's body was discovered in his home on September 10, one day after he was visited by police officers investigating allegations that he had bought material online, from abroad, which may have included images of naked teenage boys.
Essex Police 'knew about allegations in 2013'
The death is being treated as non-suspicious and has been passed to the coroner
The 46-year-old had not been arrested as officers considered that there was insufficient evidence to do so at the time.
Since then, investigations have unearthed images that appear to have come from a camera that was hidden in a bag inside his property.
This has been used to film male children undressing in the school's male changing rooms, in the changing rooms at Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre swimming pool in Southend and two other unidentified locations.
Seventy five of the images came from in the school's male changing rooms, which would be classified as indecent, have been recovered.
There are an additional 465 such images from the swimming pool and 38 from the other two locations.
An Essex Police spokesman said: "These are criminal offences of voyeurism under the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
"Specialist detectives have identified four of these children and we have spoken to their parents to inform them of Mr Goldberg's actions.
"In the rest of the pictures their faces are not visible or the quality of the image is so poor that the children cannot be identified.
"Officers believe these images cover a time period from 2000 onwards and would appear to be of boys aged from nine to twelve."
The spokesman said there was no evidence to suggest he made any inappropriate contact with any of the childen
"The school has co-operated with our investigation and we have also found no evidence to suggest that anyone else was involved in Mr Goldberg's criminal activity.
There is also no information that he shared any of these images or that anyone else was aware of his offending.
Essex Police understands that this news may be extremely distressing to both parents and children and has set up a special number for people to call if they have any concerns or believe they have information that would assist the investigation.
A special number - 0800 056 0944, has been set up by police for those inside the UK or +44 207 158 0010 if they are outside of the UK.
Those concerned are also advised to contact Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Children's Services on 01702 534506, Essex Social Services on 0845 603 7630 or 0845 603 7634, Childline on 0800 11 11 or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000