CHRISTMAS is over, the turkey is eaten and the carols are sung, what now?
Well we're heading into a new year with new challenges and surprises – some good and some not so good.
We had some special celebrations in 2012 to remember, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the London Olympics and Paralympics certainly lifted the mood of our nation and let us have some memorable times of fun with family, friends and neighbours.
It was a time to be proud to be British! But now we're leaving that behind and facing the unknown future of 2013 – will we still have a job?
Will we keep our health?
Will we need to make any changes to our lifestyle?
What about the children or grandchildren – what kind of future will they have?
The world is changing and not always for the better, so how can we discover stability, strength and peace in these turbulent times?
In 1939 King George VI quoted a few lines from the poem called God Knows in his Christmas broadcast to the nation.
"And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."
And he replied: "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way."
We too can put our hand into the hand of God and let Him lead us into the excitement and challenges of the coming year; and this is what the true meaning of Christmas is about.
One of the most wonderful names of Jesus is Emmanuel which means God-with-us; when He came into our world as a baby in a manger He came to show us the true nature of God's love.
You may have seen the Godbaby advert.
I love it; I think it captures so wonderfully the truth that Jesus is both human and divine.
He came as a helpless baby and He died to save us from our sins.
What better truth can we have in our hearts and minds as we enter the unknown of the coming year?
So as you put away the decorations and recycle the cards don't forget that Jesus isn't just for Christmas but for all of 2013 and beyond!
Happy New Year!